kolmapäev, 25. september 2024

Ühine kojalõuna koos JCI Rakverega

 Tere kõigile!

24.09.2024 leidis aset JCI Toompea ja JCI Rakvere ühine kojalõuna, Kohvikus Literaat.

Väga hea meel oli näha meie liikmeid, toetajaliikmeid ja senaatoreid ühisel kojalõunal. 

Tutvusime JCI Rakvere kojaga ning kuulasime nende järgmise aasta plaanidest, nimelt 2025 Kevadkonverents leiab aset Rakveres. 

Loodame, et ühise kojalõuna näol saab olema tegemist ilusa traditsiooniga, mida järgmisel aastal korrata.

pühapäev, 22. september 2024

Auhinnaalbum: The Most Active Member Heliina Teder

Award application

The Most Active Member Heliina Teder


Impact on Local and National Organization

Heliina has stood out with her activity since the first moment. She was chosen by the Toompea Chamber as the best new member of 2018 and the best member in 2019 and 2020. In 2018, Heliina was also awarded the title of best young member at JCI Estonia. In 2020, Heliina revived the Business Forum lecture series - the JCI Toompea project from years ago, which aims to promote Estonian society through more successful companies. The business forum is a series of trainings aimed at entrepreneurs, during which you can gain practical knowledge on making your company's operations more efficient and profitable. The trainers are entrepreneurs, ensuring the topics are topical and relevant for young entrepreneurs. An important part of the business forum is mutual networking, for which Heliina developed cards with helpful questions.

laupäev, 21. september 2024

Auhinnaalbum: Best Project 2024 Entrepreneurship Course

Award application

Best Project 2024 Entrepreneurship Course



Objectives and Planning

Together with Tallinn English College, JCI Toompea has a course on entrepreneurship. This year was the 7th year the project has taken place. The purpose of the course is to teach high school students entrepreneurship. The course takes place twice a year, in spring and autumn. The course is held in Estonian and English.

Auhinnaalbum: Best Local Chapter 2024 nominee : JCI Toompea

Award application

Best Local Chapter 2024


Individual Development and Membership Growth

In JCI Toompea, we believe that we are one family, and the goal for the last couple of years has been to include the members and make it possible for them to include their families. We believe that personal touch and good communication, and empathy is the basis for long-term commitment and motivation in JCI. We have had a goal to include 8 new members every year. In 2022 we had 7 new members and in 2023 we had 10 new members joining the chapter. In 2024, so far we have 5 new members. Currently, JCI Toompea is one of the biggest Chapters in Estonia with 29 members, plus senators, honorary members and supporting members.