23. august oli Keilas eriline – esmakordselt toimus Keila Hoovilugude päev, mille raames avati hoovid ja külalisi ootas 27 ühe-päeva kohvikut. Kodanikualgatusena sündinud projekti juhtis JCI Toompea senaator Marju Raadik-Kantsik.
Mõnusat laupäeva oli nautima tulnud tuhandeid inimesi. Pakuti maitsvaid ise valmistatud roogasid, koduseid jooke, harivat meelelahutust lastele, avatud olid erinevad töötoad hobikokkadele ja meeleolu hoidsid pimedani üleval pillimehed.
Keila Hoovlugude päeval sai tehtud palju fotosid. Leiad need meie Flickr albumist.
laupäev, 23. august 2014
JCI Toompea liikmeskond nautis Keila Hoovilugude päeva
Teemad / Labels: huvitav, koosolemine
laupäev, 16. august 2014
Battle of the Baltic 2014 by JCI Toompea
After few years break the multi twinning event Battle of the Baltic (BoB) was held again, arranged by JCI Toompea. BoB is an old tradition initially created by our twinning chapter JCI Mariehamn many years ago. This event gathers 4 chapters: JCI Mariehamn, JCI Toompea, JCI Stockholm and JCI Riga in order to meet once a year, catch up, get to know each other better, have a small battle and to spend nice time.
This year event was held in Nõmme Puhkebaas under the theme Mental Institution and started early in the morning when the paramedics Salome and Priit were waiting our guest in the harbour.
The Mental Institution provided a treatment this year for patients from Sweden, Mariehamn, Turkey, Estonia and we are glad that we had so many new people to whom it was the first JCI event. The journey started to our lunch stop which was in Jakobson house museum and continued after that to the Mental Institution. Patients had to check in themselves in the admission desk and go through the mental detector to eliminate items which can harm patients. The chief of the hospital had an individual appointment with every patient to give a quick examination and right treatment to every body.