pühapäev, 30. mai 2010

ÜRITUS: 1. juunil heategevusüritus Cambodian Children's Art Exhibition


Edastan info 1. juunil Rotermanni keskuses toimuva heategevusliku ürituse kohta: toimub Kambodža tänavalaste joonistuste näitus ja müük, eesmärgiks sealsele päevakodule raha kogumine. Lisainfo all.

Maarja Maasikamäe
JCI Tallinn Secy 2010


Head kodalased,

1. juunil kell 16.00-20.00 toimub Tallinnas Rotermanni Kaubamajas Kambodžha Sihanoukville linna tänavalaste joonistuste näitus ning müük laste heategevuslikule päevakodule raha kogumiseks.

Heategevusprojekti eestvedaja Kambodžas on ameeriklane Felix Brooks-Church. Viibides Kambodžas oli au temaga tutvuda ning kuulda pisut selle kohta, mis Kambodžas toimub. Inimkaubandus, lapsprostitutsioon ja pedofiilia ei ole haruldased nähtused ning inimelule suurt väärtust ei omistata. Sihanoukville on üks populaarsemaid kuurorte Kambodžas, kuid rikkust jagub vähestele ning punastest khmeeridest taastuv riik on üks vaesemaid Aasias.

Põhjused miks mina Felixi ettevõtmist toetan on lihtne, isikliku kontaktiga võitis ta minu usalduse. Minu jaoks ei ole enam tegemist ebamäärase heategevusprojektiga kaugel maal, vaid konkreetse inimese konkreetse tegevusega. Lapsed kes päevasel ajal turistidele ja sh mulle meeneid proovivad müüa, on need kes peaksid samal ajal koolis olema. Kodune olukord aga ei võimalda neil seda teha ning nad võivad olla sunnitud seda tööd tegema.

All on ära toodud siis ka Felixi kiri mulle.

Nende Facebooki leht on SIIN!

Kutsun ka sind näitusele!


Ivar Veskioja
JCI Tallinna koda

Hello Guys,

I hope all is well. I wanted to give you the invite for the Tallinn Cambodian Exhibition on June 1st. I hope you can pass it on to everyone. It has been helped organize by Mattus from Beach Road Hotel (Sihanoukville). Hope to see you there.

All the best, Felix

Dear Supporters,

Cambodian Children's Art Exhibition Tallinn (invite attached )
01. Juuni 2010
16:00 kuni 20:00
Rotermann Kaubamaja
5 Rotermanni St/ 10 Roseni St, 10111 Tallinn

I want to personally invite you, your family, and your friends, and to ask for support in promoting this event. Its very important for the future of the Cambodian Children's Painting Project that these exhibitions are a success. CCPP has over 150 children that we now care for in Sihanoukville, Cambodia.

With the funds raised we will be able to secure new facilities, build more education programs and keep the overall project running for the coming 2 years.

Hope you can help spread the word and I look forward to seeing all of you there!

Felix Brooks-church
CCPP, General Manager

More Information about the project:
The Cambodian Children's Painting Project (CCPP) works with a very special group of about 100 "beach kids" in an effort to provide protection, good health, education and a chance for the future through artistic expression. These children have been forced to work the beaches all day and night and are deprived of schooling. We are a small grass roots project, but have been very successful combating the problems that plague the lives of these children. We now have over 120 full time students no longer living and selling on the beaches!

We are a small NGO and rely on these events to keep our doors open. So many of our kids come from abusive environments, and we use the magic of art as therapy for them to have a chance of a brighter future. We also have some mentally handicap children who are showing great promise as artist and have been able to receive an education that otherwise would not be possible in this country. The art is quite exceptional as well. Three years we had 30 children, now we have over 120, so its very important that we are successful in fund raising in order keep offering our great services to the ever growing number of kids in our project.

Please join our Facebook page to see all the events and cities on the tour.
If you have contacts in other cities (list below) then please invite them and spread the word!!!!

City Date

Stockholm May 24 Mon until Sun 30
Zurich May Wed 26
Estonia June Tue 1
Copenhagen June Fri 4
Oslo June Wed 9 & Th 10
Brighton June Sat 12
Kent June Sun 13
Manchester June Thu 17
Lincoln June Fri 18
Scotland June Thu 24
Newcastle June Fri 25
Paris July Thu 1
London July Fri 9

Felix Brooks-church
CCPP, General Managerwww.letuscreate.org

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